2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog - SCCC & Day Students [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Military Science
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Department Head: McLendon
Professor: McLendon
Assistant Professors: Alvarez, Fries, Hardman, McCarty, Najarian, Rine, Velasco, Verno
Instructors: Alderin, Dubois, Gladden, Holdaway, Hood, Martinez, Richardson
The Army ROTC program of instruction at The Citadel is geared toward teaching “hands-on skills” that are required of a new Second Lieutenant in the active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Instruction at all levels centers around leadership. The program includes instruction in basic combat techniques, physical training, weapons, general military subjects, tactics, and communication skills. Selected cadets have the opportunities to attend military schools and unique training opportunities. In addition to the schooling opportunities, cadets will have the opportunity to serve as “Third Lieutenants” with an active Army unit for two to four weeks in the Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT) Program. The Citadel also has one of the largest Simultaneous Membership Programs (SMP) in the nation. This program is a volunteer officer training program which allows Army National Guard and Army Reserve enlisted members to also participate in the Advanced ROTC course leading to a commission in one of the reserve components.
Military Science is a four-year program of instruction, divided into a two-year Basic Course and a two-year Advanced Course. The first year (Military Science I) addresses the role of the individual soldier through instruction and practical training in the areas of physical training, marksmanship, first aid, map reading, U.S. weapons, and leadership. The second year (Military Science II) builds upon the first, through the development of more advanced individual skills such as land navigation, basic individual combat techniques, and small unit tactics and leadership.
Students transferring into Army ROTC from another service and seeking a commission, or students at cross-town universities with a ROTC cross-enrollment agreement, that have not taken Army ROTC Basic course classes (MLTY 101 to MLTY 202 ) will attend the Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky prior to enrollment in the Army ROTC Advance Course. Basic Camp is a four week basic instruction program designed to accommodate alternate entry into the Army ROTC Advance Course through hands-on training and granting of Basic Course credit upon successful completion.
The Army ROTC Advance Course is restricted to students contracted to commission in the Army and to students pursuing a contract to commission. Exceptions are granted on a case by case basis by the Professor of Military Science. Students not seeking a commission will take ROTC fulfillment courses offered by the college.
The first year of the Advanced Course (Military Science III) is primarily designed to train cadets to attend Advanced Camp, which takes place between their junior and senior years. The curriculum focuses on instruction and practical training exercises in advanced land navigation and map reading, individual military skills, principles and techniques of squad and platoon operations, the principles of organizational leadership, communications, fire support, U.S. Army weapons systems, and rigorous physical training. At the conclusion of their junior year, contracted cadets will attend Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Advanced Camp is based upon performance-oriented training and continuous leadership potential evaluation. Each cadet’s Advanced Camp evaluation is a principal determinate in branch selection and in being chosen for Active or Reserve Forces Duty.
The final year of the Advanced Course (Military Science IV) consists of instruction in solving contemporary leadership problems, principles of military justice, techniques of military writing, evolution of current tactics, precommissioning seminars, and military professionalism and ethics. The beginning of the senior year is the final opportunity for Citadel cadets to apply for a contract and seek an Army commission.
Cadets seeking commissions as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army are required to successfully complete a designated military history course, Advanced Camp, and ROTC Advanced Courses training. Cadets are highly encouraged to take courses in mathematical reasoning (Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, and Statistics), computer science, natural science (Biology, Geology, Chemistry or Physics), human behavior, management, and national security affairs to better prepare themselves for their futures as Army officers. Cadets enrolling in Military Science are provided a consolidated list of all academic courses offered by The Citadel that satisfy the professional military education requirement.
CoursesMilitary Science
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