Oct 25, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog - SCCC & Day Students 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog - SCCC & Day Students [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Requirements for Admission

The Citadel gives consideration to all applicants who meet the personal, physical, and educational requirements for admission to the Corps of Cadets. The Citadel seeks to enroll well-rounded, mature students whose motivation and educational achievements indicate that they are prepared to do college level work with a reasonable probability of success. Therefore, each admission portfolio is reviewed individually and must include at least the following:

  1. High School Record (courses, grades, class standing). The high school record provides insight into an applicant’s motivation, study habits, and scope of interest. Particular attention is given to grades earned in English, mathematics, science, history, social sciences, and foreign languages.
  2. College Entrance Examination Board Test Scores. Consideration is given to an applicant’s test scores on the College Board’s SAT or the American College Testing Program’s Assessment Exam (ACT). Although these test scores represent only one factor in the determination of an applicant’s acceptability, they tend to indicate the applicant’s educational development with respect to contemporaries; therefore, the applicant’s scores provide a reasonable evaluation of actual preparedness and potential to do college level work.
  3. The Citadel seeks to determine acceptability through a thorough evaluation of each applicant’s character, maturity, motivation, readiness for college, amenability to a regimented lifestyle, emotional stability, and potential to contribute to cadet life. Where any one of these factors is in question, the College may obtain additional information by means of interviews with the applicant and/or the applicant’s parents or other persons who know the candidate. If it is deemed necessary, The Citadel may request that the applicant present a written report on goals in life, reasons for choosing The Citadel, or reasons for choosing a particular major field of study.
  4. The Citadel reserves the right to cancel any academic acceptance or deposit if the recipient is found to be physically disqualified or if a subsequent academic or conduct record is found unsatisfactory. Entrance requirements must be fully met before the date of matriculation. No one will be admitted on probation.

Admission Procedure

Formal application for admission must be made by the applicant. The application for admission may be found online at www.citadel.edu/apply. The Citadel admits new students into the South Carolina Corps of Cadets only in the fall semester of each year.

A nonrefundable application fee of $40 must accompany each application. All students are encouraged to apply no later than the fall semester of the prospective cadet’s senior year in high school. In addition, the applicant should make early arrangements to take the SAT or ACT test and have these test scores sent to The Citadel. Prospective cadets are responsible for having the official high school transcript sent directly to The Citadel’s Office of Admissions.

The Citadel will advise the applicant of subsequent procedural actions as they are necessary.

A deposit of $300 is required of all new cadets accepted for enrollment. This reservation fee is not refundable to those students who cancel their reservations after May 1.

Each applicant must undergo a thorough medical examination. Final admission is contingent upon the results of this test. Only The Citadel’s forms, which are provided on-line by the Office of Admissions, may be used to report these results. The medical examination form shows the immunizations required by The Citadel.

Legal Presence and Residency

The State of South Carolina requires all state colleges and universities to verify each student’s legal presence in the United States. Prior to matriculation, each matriculant will be required to submit a photocopy of their birth certificate or valid U.S. passport. (A copy of the birth certificate must be provided as part of the preregistration information necessary for enrollment in the ROTC classes.)

 Personal Requirements

Applicants to the South Carolina Corps of Cadets must meet the U.S. Army standard for height and weight (Army Reg 40-501) and must be physically qualified as determined by the Citadel Surgeon. An initial applicant who fails to meet the Citadel height/weight standard can gain admission by passing the Citadel body-fat standard (included on the Admissions website under Physical Fitness) using the U.S. Army technique for measuring body fat. The height/weight standard for admissions is NOT the same as that required of a cadet. After matriculation, all freshmen fall under the Corps Physical Effectiveness Program and its standards as outlined in The White Book.

Should an accident, injury, or serious illness in any way change the physical status of the applicant after acceptance but prior to arrival on campus, the Citadel Surgeon must be informed immediately. Any physical impairment could result in cancellation or postponement of admission. In addition, an applicant must meet the following personal requirements:

  1. Applicants must be at least 17 and less than 23 years of age on the day of matriculation at The Citadel. Exceptions to this policy are made only under extremely extenuating circumstances and with the permission of the Provost.
  2. Applicants may not be married. (If a cadet marries, he/she will be discharged immediately.)
  3. Applicants may not have childcare responsibilities for any minor child related to him/her by blood or marriage. (If a cadet assumes childcare responsibilities for any minor child related to him/her by blood or marriage, he/she will be discharged immediately.)
  4. Applicants must not have a record of conviction of a criminal offense showing poor moral character.
  5. Applicants are expected to be prepared physically for the rigors of cadet life. The Citadel Physical Fitness Test (CPFT) will be administered for record early in the fall semester. Individuals who do not meet standards will be required to participate in remedial physical training.

High School Course Requirements

All applicants for admission to The Citadel must be graduates of accredited high schools or must have satisfactorily completed the General Education Development (GED) examination. By this, the basic requirements for admission to the College comply with standards prescribed by the South Carolina Commission for Higher Education (CHE).

The following secondary school subjects are required:

Area Units  
English 4 All four units must have strong reading (including works of fiction and non-fiction), writing, communicating, and researching components. It is strongly recommended that students take two units that are literature based, including American, British, and World Literature.
Mathematics 4 These units must include Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry. A fourth higher-level mathematics unit should be taken before or during the senior year. Foundations in Algebra and Intermediate Algebra may count together as a substitute for Algebra I if a student successfully completes Algebra II. No other courses may be substituted for the three required mathematics courses (Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry). Applicants who plan to major in mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, or engineering and who have not completed at least one-half unit of trigonometry will be required to complete MATH 119  with a grade of C or higher prior to enrolling in calculus.
Laboratory Science 3 Two units must be taken in two different fields of the physical, earth or life sciences and selected from among biology, chemistry, or physics or earth science. The third unit may be from the same field as one of the first two units (biology, chemistry, or physics or earth science) or from any laboratory science for which biology, chemistry, physics, or earth science is a prerequisite. Courses in general or introductory science for which one of these four units is not a prerequisite will not meet this requirement. It is also strongly recommended that students desiring to pursue careers in science, mathematics, engineering or technology take one course in all three fields.
Foreign Language 2 Two units of the same world language: Two units with a heavy emphasis on language acquisition
Social Science 3 One unit of U.S. History, a half unit of Economics, and a half unit of Government are required. World History or Geography is strongly recommended
Fine Arts 1 One unit in appreciation of, history of, or performance in one of the fine arts. This unit should be selected from among media/digital arts, dance, visual and spatial arts
Elective 2 Two units must be taken as electives. A college preparatory course in Computer Science (i.e., one involving significant programming content, not simply keyboarding or using applications) is strongly recommended for this elective. Other acceptable electives include college preparatory courses in English; fine arts; foreign languages; social science; humanities; mathematics; physical education; and laboratory science (courses for which biology, physics, or earth science is a prerequisite)
Physical Education 1 One unit of physical education to include one semester of personal fitness and another semester in lifetime fitness. Exemption applies to students enrolled in Junior ROTC and for students exempted because of physical disability or for religious reasons

Prior to entering The Citadel, each applicant should take steps to address any weaknesses in preparation in English or mathematics. The Citadel offers courses in these areas each summer.

The Citadel’s Policy on Testing for Illegal Drugs

The Citadel has a clear and unwavering policy of zero tolerance for drugs. Whether on campus or off, the possession, solicitation, distribution, sale, or use of hallucinogenic, narcotic, or other controlled drugs or substances, or any drug paraphernalia, (except in accordance with a legal prescription for such substance, drug, or paraphernalia for the student possessing or using it), will result in expulsion. This policy does not permit cadets to tolerate these actions by fellow cadets. In support of this policy, The Citadel reserves the right to test members of the Corps of Cadets periodically for the presence of illegal drugs and other controlled substances. Agreeing to participate in this program of testing for drugs is a condition of final admission to The Citadel. Refusal to participate in this testing may lead to expulsion from the college.

Entrance Examinations

All applicants for admission to The Citadel are required to take the College Board’s SAT or the American College Testing (ACT) Assessment Tests.

If an applicant lists The Citadel on either the SAT or ACT examination, the test scores will be sent to The Citadel approximately 30 days after the tests are taken. An applicant should complete the required entrance examinations early in the student’s senior year in high school.

Students from a foreign country whose native language is not English must receive satisfactory scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Students who score less than 550 on the TOEFL paper exam or 79 on the computer exam are generally not eligible for academic acceptance. The TOEFL is prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service of the College Entrance Examination Board and must be taken before March 1 of the spring preceding admission.

In order to apply for these tests, the applicant may apply online. Test dates, registration information and deadlines may be found at the links below:

SAT: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register
TOEFL: https://www.ets.org/toefl/test-takers/ibt/take/register/
ACT: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration.html

Transfer Student Admissions

A student who is applying for admission to the Corps of Cadets as a transfer student from another accredited college or university must have an official transcript sent directly from all colleges or universities previously attended to the Office of Admissions at The Citadel. The high school record and college entrance examination scores will also be considered. In addition to meeting all the personal requirements listed above for cadet admission, a transfer student must have at least a 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) on all courses attempted. To be considered a transfer student, students must have earned a minimum of 24 hours of credit.

Transfer students are subject to the Fourth-Class System. Please see the relevant information under the section entitled Military Policies .

Transfer students pursuing a cadet degree are also subject to the requirement that they must reside in the Corps of Cadets for at least six full semesters or five semesters with one semester of approved study abroad.

Home Schooled Student Admissions

The Citadel will consider applications from qualified homeschooled students. Applicants from homeschool programs must meet the same requirements as traditional school students, including:

  • Must complete the South Carolina state college preparatory course prerequisite requirements;
  • Must submit a transcript that lists all courses taken, year completed, and level of course challenge (e.g., CP, Honors, AP, Dual Credit, etc.);
  • Homeschooled students from South Carolina must be registered with an accredited and recognized homeschool program. If not, a GED will be required. For non-resident applicants, if your state does not require an accredited program, The Citadel will consider those rules for admissions consideration.

Credit by Examination

Advanced Placement Program

The Citadel awards advanced placement credit to applicants who score 3 or higher on appropriate examinations. Applicants desiring Advanced Placement credit must have the official score report sent directly to The Citadel from the College Board. A complete listing of course credits that may be earned through the AP program is found at https://www.citadel.edu/root/registrar-credit-by-examination/advanced-placement-ap.

International Baccalaureate Program

The Citadel recognizes the International Baccalaureate (IB) and awards college credit for scores of 4 or higher on “higher level” examinations in the IB Program. The number of college credits will be determined by the score obtained. A complete listing of course credits that may be earned through the IB program is found at https://www.citadel.edu/root/registrar-credit-by-examination/international-baccalaureate-ib.

Cambridge International

The Citadel recognizes the Cambridge International AICE program is an international, advanced secondary curriculum equivalent to the British system of “A-Levels.” Students who wish to receive AICE credits should submit official transcripts to the Registrar’s Office who will have the transcript reviewed by the Department Head of the subject area.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP enables students to establish, by examination, college credit at The Citadel. CLEP provides for recognition of college-level achievement acquired outside the conventional classroom. The Citadel will award credit to individuals achieving a score on a CLEP Subject Examination equal to the average exam scores of students who earned a grade of C in a regular college course in that subject.

CLEP credit may not be earned for courses in which a student has attempted the relevant subject matter at any college or university, including The Citadel, prior to taking the CLEP exam. In addition, students successfully completing a CLEP exam may not earn credit for the equivalent course at The Citadel. Furthermore, credits earned through CLEP will not be counted as part of a student’s residency requirement for graduation.

Each academic department determines the amount of credit for a CLEP examination awarded based on the subject matter taught in their courses. Students who wish to take one or more of these examinations should contact CLEP directly for information about testing sites. The Citadel does not award credit for the CLEP General Exam. The minimum required score for all CLEP computer-based exams is 50, which represents the performance of students who earn a grade of C in the corresponding college course. In addition, The Citadel only awards credit for the lecture portion of natural science courses. Students must complete the laboratory portion of science requirements on-campus. For Modern Languages, prior approval to take a CLEP exam to satisfy a language requirement must be approved by the head of the Department of Modern Languages.

A complete listing of course for which credit may be awarded through CLEP is found at https://www.citadel.edu/root/registrar-credit-by-examination/clep.

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

DSST is a national testing program that offers students the opportunity to take exams in order to obtain college-level credit. DSST offers more than 35 exams in multiple subject areas. The Citadel awards college credit for students who receive a passing score of 400 on each exam taken.

DSST credit may not be earned for courses in which a student has attempted the relevant subject matter at any college or university, including The Citadel, prior to taking the DSST exam. In addition, students successfully completing a DSST exam may not earn credit for the equivalent course at The Citadel. Furthermore, credits earned through DSST will not be counted as part of a student’s residency requirement for graduation.

A complete listing of courses for which credit may be awarded through DSST is found at https://www.citadel.edu/root/registrar-credit-by-examination/dsst