Dr. Britnie Delinger Kane, Program Coordinator, britnie.kane@citadel.edu
Dr. Emily Sherwood, Instructor, esherwoo@citadel.edu
Dean Evan Ortlieb, eortlieb@citadel.edu
Mission Statement
Through quality field experiences and a strong theoretical foundation, candidates who pursue this degree develop a comprehensive knowledge of the field of literacy education. This understanding parallels the school’s vision of creating “principled educational leaders who are knowledgeable, reflective, and ethical professionals.”
The Master of Education in Literacy Education is nationally recognized by the International Literacy Association.
The general goals and objectives of the program are to support candidates in developing:
- A knowledge and mastery of all aspects of the literacy process;
- A knowledge of those skills necessary to select, administer, and interpret informal and formal assessments used to examine children’s and adolescents’ literacy strengths and weaknesses;
- A knowledge of how to effectively support English Language Learners (ELLs);
- A knowledge of and ability to design literacy environments to support culturally and linguistically diverse learners;
- A knowledge of the abilities and skills which enhance a teacher- student-parent relationship in working with students;
- A knowledge of those skills necessary to recognize and accommodate for individual differences in literacy instruction;
- A knowledge of how to plan, supervise, and enhance programs as a literacy coach;
- A knowledge of how to effectively support and mentor educators and serve as a literacy coach;
- A knowledge of the relationship of literacy skills to subject-matter content areas; and
- A knowledge of significant research conducted in literacy education.
Admission Requirements
- Completion of the online graduate application along with the non-refundable application fee.
- Submission of an official transcript of the baccalaureate degree and all other undergraduate and graduate work directly from each accredited college or university. Applicants are expected to have a 2.5 cumulative undergraduate grade point average.
Students must meet with their advisor for program advisement and course sequence planning. This advisement meeting must take place before registration can occur for the first semester of enrollment.
Transfer Credit
Up to 9 hours of course work taken prior to official program admission or coursework taken in other programs can be transferred in with written approval from approval from the Program Coordinator or the Dean of the Zucker Family School of Education.