Mar 28, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog - SCCC & Day Students 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog - SCCC & Day Students [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Support Programs, Services, and Activities

The student support programs, services, and activities offered by The Citadel complement and support students’ academic development by

  • promoting discipline, responsibility, character development, and self-confidence;
  • equipping students with skills necessary for academic success;
  • developing leadership skills;
  • enhancing ethical development;
  • increasing cultural awareness and the appreciation of diversity;
  • encouraging students to become responsible professionals in their chosen fields; and
  • providing activities that promote personal health and physical fitness.

The intent of the student support programs is to encourage the development and integration of personal values and habits that will remain with the individual for life.

Student Advisory and Counseling Services

Academic Faculty Advisor

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who provides counsel concerning course selections and options within particular courses of study. Though students are encouraged to visit their advisors throughout the academic year, formal planning sessions are designated each semester during preregistration and registration.

Tactical Officer

TAC stands for Teacher, Advisor, and Coach. TACs serve as the primary integrator for cadet leader development and are the key assessors of cadet performance. They are available to coach and assist cadets in the execution of their leadership roles. TACs seek out reports from faculty, staff, and coaches to assist them in providing cadets with a holistic assessment of their strengths and weaknesses and regularly counsel and mentor cadets on their progression through the four-year model. Finally, TACs certify cadet performance in the Military, Moral-Ethical, and Physical Effectiveness Pillars.

Company Academic Advisor

Each cadet company is assigned a specially chosen member of the faculty or staff who works closely with the company tactical officer and the cadet chain-of-command to ensure that academic and military requirements are compatible and that cadets are aware of academic resources and services available to them on the campus.

Prelaw and Premedical Advising Services

The Citadel provides counseling and guidance to all students who have an interest in attending law or medical school after graduation. Students interested in a law career should seek advice early in their college careers from the chair of the Prelaw Advisory Committee. Students interested in medicine and related fields should seek early advice from the chair of the Premedical Advisory Committee. Each committee is composed of faculty members from academic disciplines related to these professional fields.

Career Center

The Citadel Career Center has a primary mission of educating and empowering students to be active participants in developing their career planning strategy to achieve their professional goals. The Career Center offers a multitude of resources and opportunities to EXPLORE, PREPARE, and ENGAGE in the career preparation process. The first step in this process is participation in a career assessment to  assist in identifying  career paths of greatest interest, along with what academic programs lead to those career opportunities..

The Career Center provides group and individualized career coaching and education for: exploring career options the career planning process, targeted resume development, internship strategy and support,, exploration of graduate programs, networking, interviewing, and the job search process.. All Citadel students have access to  a multitude of career planning resources provided on the Career Center website.

The Career Center coordinates multiple career recruiting events, career planning information sessions, and career development workshops. . It also provides an online job board for students to connect directly with employers who are specifically advertising to Citadel students. .  Students are encouraged to have a one-on-one meeting with any of the Career Center team members to support their personal career planning strategies. Students are welcome to stop by during drop-in hours, which are Monday-Thursday 1PM-4PM, or make an appointment via the Career Center website.

The Career Center is located at 573 Huger Street. Please visit for additional information.

Religious Support

Pastoral support and counseling is an important component in the overall design of The Citadel’s advisory program. The Chaplain to the Corps of Cadets and the campus ministers are available to assist students with pastoral support and counseling, which includes dealing with life problems, in the context of religious faith. With the chaplain and campus pastors, students are assured of care, concern, and confidentiality, whatever their situation.

Counseling Center

The Citadel Counseling Center provides professional, confidential short-term counseling to currently enrolled students at no charge. Personal and substance abuse prevention counseling are available by appointment. In the event of an emergency, counselors are also available to provide crisis intervention without an appointment. In addition, the Counseling Center staff provides referrals for off-campus psychiatric evaluations and/or long-term counseling.

The Citadel Counseling Center provides individual assessment, including the administration and interpretation of personality and interest inventories. Students may complete these assessments in an effort to address personal or career concerns presented in individual counseling.

The Citadel Counseling Center is located at 203 Richardson Avenue behind Bond Hall. Students are encouraged to contact the Counseling Center directly to schedule appointments for counseling or assessment.

Campus Alcohol and Drug Information Center (CADIC)

The Citadel prohibits the use of illegal drugs by faculty, staff, and cadets, and it supports only the leagal use of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The Citadel has a clear and unwavering policy of zero tolerance to drugs. Whether on or off campus, the possession, solicitation, distribution, sale or use of halucinogenic, narcotic, other controlled drugs or substances, or any drug paraphernalia, except in accordance with a legal prescription for such substances for the student possesing and using it, will result in permanent expulsion. The Citadel reserves the right to test members of the Corps and conduct periodic searches of campus property for the presence of illegal drugs and controlled substances. The use of tobacco or smoking products of any type is prohibited on property owned or controlled by The Citadel except for campus residences (not including the barracks) and as authorized by the President. The Alcohol and Drugs Policy is The Tobacco-Product Free Campus Policy is

For private and confidential assistance with alcohol, tobacco and other drug concerns, please contact the Director of the Campus Alcohol and Drug Information Centerr (CADIC), Mr. Kevin M. Modglin ( [email], 843-953-0510 [office], 843-813-6326 [cell/text]) or vist him in Mark Clark Hall, Room 217. Remote appointments via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime are also availble. Additional information is available at

Instructional Support Services

Daniel Library

The mission of the Daniel Library and The Citadel Archives and Museum is to deliver exemplary services for learning, decision support, and scholarship that inspire and excite our students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni; to provide innovative information leadership to administrative and support units; to preserve The Citadel’s unique and important information assets; and to offer noteworthy learning experiences and professional research services to Charleston, the Lowcountry, the state of South Carolina, and beyond.

During the academic year, the Daniel Library is open seven days a week. To view current hours of operation, visit the Daniel Library website to access library online resources (

The Daniel Library provides organized access to professionally curated research and information resources and creative technologies. The collection consists of 174,367 print materials; 432,227 electronic books; 168 online full-text and citation indexes; and 821,915 electronic full-text journals and print journal subscriptions. In addition, the Library holds DVDs and streaming videos, microforms, maps, and government documents. Through PASCAL Delivers, interlibrary loan, and document delivery, the Library is able to provide free and efficient access to materials outside its own collections.

To enable students to make the best use of the array of resources and services available to them, the Library provides instruction classes about locating, evaluating, and effectively using information along with individual research assistance via phone, email, text, online chat, and personalized research consultations. In the required The Freshman Experience course (CSI or LDRS 101 ), students learn to access Library resources, evaluate information for authority, accuracy, and level of scholarship, and incorporate appropriate information into research projects. Course-specific research classes organized by liaison librarians focus on the unique information needs of each student and address specific research requirements of each course.

The Daniel Library facilities feature collaborative spaces and individual and group study rooms. Students may reserve a study room for up to two and a half hours per day. Room reservations can be made online and in advance ( Facilities also include a wireless network accessible with Library laptops or students’ personal laptops and mobile devices. Students may also check out laptops and use them in the library. All computers allow access to electronic resources and the Internet, as well as software for word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations. Examples of site licensed software available to students are the New York Times, and Wall Street Journal.

The Daniel Library is also the home of The Citadel Makerspace. The mission of this space is to foster innovation, ingenuity, and creativity through the exploration of new and emerging technologies in a collaborative environment, regardless of one’s department or level of knowledge. Students can have models 3D printed or make use of a mini CNC milling machine, high-powered PCs and Macs with creative software, a VR Headset (orientation and waiver required), a vinyl cutter, digital sewing machine, thermal binder, and other creative project materials. More information about the Makerspace can be found at Students can also check out circulating technology with their Citadel OneCard. Supplementing exploration and project creation beyond the Library’s walls, available technologies include: GoPro cameras, digital recorders, Arduino & Raspberry Pi kits, camcorders, and more.

The Citadel Archives

The Citadel Archives, located on the 3rd floor of the Daniel Library, houses collections relating to the history of The Citadel. Dating back to The Citadel’s founding in 1842, holdings include institutional records and publications, letters, diaries, speeches, photographs, audiovisual recordings, and much more. We offer instruction with primary sources and digital humanities, reference assistance, and welcome collaboration with faculty, staff, students and the community. Visit our website ( to access our guide to collections and our digital collections site. To ask a question or schedule an appointment, email

The Citadel Museum

Also on the 3rd floor of Daniel Library, The Citadel Museum features artifacts and images representing the history of The Military College of South Carolina from its founding in 1842 to the present. Arranged chronologically, exhibits feature the military, academic, athletic and social aspects of cadet life. Cadet uniforms are popular items, as well as Citadel rings dating back to 1895. Also on display are two swords that belonged to alumni: Col. Charles Courtenay Tew, The Citadel’s first honor graduate of 1846, and Maj. James B. White, Class of 1849 and Citadel President from 1861 to 1865. Admission is free, and the Museum is open during Library operating hours. View select artifacts, images and manuscripts on our digital collections site (

Computing Resources

The Citadel provides all students with an email account and access to Microsoft Office. The campus has over a dozen computer labs located in classrooms and a small computing space in each of the barracks. All labs are equipped with personal computers and networked printers. Most of the college’s 100+ classrooms and auditoriums are equipped with multimedia technology, such as projection systems and interactive whiteboards.

Information Technology staff members assist students at the IT Help Center, located on the second floor of Bond Hall. The Help Center is open from : 8:00-9:00 M-TH, 8:00-5:00 Friday, 9:00-3:00 Saturday. The Multimedia Service’s staff, located in the Multimedia Studio in Bond Hall, assists students with designing and editing graphics, creating computer and poster presentations, and creating and editing video and audio projects.

The Citadel has a high-speed campus-wide network that connects virtually every computer on campus to the Internet. Much of the campus is also configured with wireless networking.

Most cadets bring a personal computer of their own to use in the barracks. Information Technology staff and student workers assist to answer questions and solve computer problems per the IT Technical Assistance Policy.

The college encourages students to review The Citadel’s website prior to purchasing a computer or software application in order to: review the minimum requirements for compatibility with The Citadel’s network, learn about academic pricing discount opportunities, and understand warranty information for technical support.

Review The Citadel’s Information Technology Computing website at or contact the IT Help Center staff at 1-843-953-HELP (4357) for more information.

Center for International and Special Programs

The Center for International and Special Programs works to make study abroad and away programs an integral part of students’ academic, leadership, social, and personal development during their time at The Citadel. By making international education both meaningful and accessible, Citadel graduates will have broadened their perspectives and will thrive as principled leaders in a global society. Currently, the Office of Study Abroad offers a myriad of study abroad choices to fit the student’s individual ambitions, academic needs, and interests. The duration and types of programs include a variety of experiences such as a full semester abroad, summer programs, international internships, service learning, and exchange programs. All study abroad programs, both short- and long-term, are validated by the Center for International and Special Programs and are included on the student’s experiential transcript. It is the policy of The Citadel that students will study abroad usually only during the summer, fall, and spring-break terms. Students are encouraged to come by the office where they may view resource materials, receive guidance on available programs, and receive assistance on the study abroad application process.

LDRS 433 - Special Topics in Leadership

Credit Hours: 3

Selected topics or problems in the general area of leadership; offered periodically as the special interests of faculty and students permit.

Under the Center for International and Special Programs is the Office of Fellowships. This office identifies superior students and helps them prepare for national and international fellowships. Experienced faculty in each department find and enhance emerging talent. Promising candidates are aided in cultivating their areas of expertise by the Star of the West International Summer Scholarship which supports overseas travel, advanced study, independent research, and field experience. The Office matches the student’s ability and interest with appropriate opportunities. The Director serves as the campus representative for various granting organizations, disseminates information, counsel’s student candidates, collects applications, schedules interviews, certifies nominees, and offers a preparatory course for qualified students who plan to apply for nationally competitive fellowships. The Office coordinates all campus Fulbright initiatives, publicizes available grants, and helps graduate students and faculty at all stages of the applications process. The office is in Richardson 202, 2nd floor, where cadets, graduate students and faculty are encouraged to visit.

FELP 301 - Fellowship Preparation

Credit Hours: 3

This course helps prepare highly qualified freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to apply for nationally competitive fellowships including Fulbright, Truman, Rhodes, and Marshall scholarships. The focus is on developing the critical thinking skills that are vital in preparing for such awards. Based on similar courses at West Point and the Naval Academy, this course is seminar-based, including guest lectures by foundation representatives and past fellowship recipients. Participants will target pertinent awards, draft curriculum vitae, personal statements, and project proposals. Participants must have a 3.3 GPA and permission from the instructor to be admitted into the course offered each spring semester.

Student Success Center

The Citadel Student Success Center (SSC) provides support to Citadel students through the following programs:

  • Academic Coaching Program
  • Athletic Academic Services
  • Mathematics Lab
  • Public Speaking Lab
  • Services for Students with Disabilities
  • Subject-Area Tutorial Program
  • Supplemental Instruction Program
  • Writing Lab

These programs are available to all Citadel students.

The staff is comprised of professional tutors, graduate assistants, undergraduate students, and full-time personnel. Students may set up an appointment by emailing the SSC at, calling 843-953-5305, or stopping by 117 Thompson Hall.

For further information about the SSC and its programs, please visit our website at

Office of Multicultural Student Services

The Office of Multicultural Student Services (MSS) promotes an appreciation for diversity among students, faculty, and staff. Multicultural Student Services encourages an attitude that celebrates multi-ethnic perspectives of various cultures and backgrounds. Programming and activities sponsored by the office are designed to increase the involvement of minority students in extracurricular activities; to assist first-year and transfer students with the transition into the Corps of Cadets; to enhance interaction and communication among all students; and to enable students of color to celebrate their cultural heritage with pride.

Assistance is offered to students, faculty, and staff who have concerns relating to race relations, campus diversity, or multicultural awareness. Resource materials including videos, study guides, and directories, are available for use by cadet companies, classroom instructors, and clubs and organizations.

Religious Activities

College years are exciting times of growth and challenge, which includes a student’s faith journey. All people have faith in something, whether it is religious, philosophical ideas, or personal ethical beliefs. The Citadel’s Chaplain, who also serves as the Director of Religious Activities, is committed to helping every student grow regardless of their faith background.

The Chaplain works to ensure all members of the Citadel Community have access to practice the free exercise of religion, is available for 100% confidential counseling, and runs a hospitality ministry available to all students.

The Citadel Chaplain works closely with a variety of volunteer minsters and the Regimental and Battalion Cadet Chaplains to provide for the needs of the Corps. The the college is fortunate to have twenty-three volunteer campus pastors or ministry directors representing Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim and Protestant denominations and Para-Church ministries. These leaders work together to maintain a strong faith foundation for the ethical and moral pillar, one of the four pillars in The Citadel’s whole person concept. Faith group meetings are held each Monday and Thursday evening for study, fellowship, and worship. Attendance at all chapel or campus religious activities is optional.

Denominational Faith Groups:

African Methodist Episcopal
Alpha Christian Ministries
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
Bible Study Fellowship
Campus Outreach
Catholic Campus Ministry
Charleston Wesley Foundation (United Methodist)
Episcopal (TEC)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Jewish Student Union
Latter-Day Saints
Lutheran Student Movement
Muslim Student Association
The Navigators
Officer’s Christian Fellowship
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Presbyterian Journey: (PCUSA)
Reformed Campus Fellowship
VALOR (Campus Crusade for Christ Military Ministry)
Young Life

Campus Worship

Built in 1936, Summerall Chapel has held a special place in the life of the Corps of Cadets since its dedication. For for many of our cadets, it is a sanctuary, a safe haven away from the constraints and stresses of cadet life. Of course, it is also a place of worship for many in our community. Throughout the school year, there are weekly Protestant and Catholic services of worship on Sundays, and an Anglican worship service on Monday evenings. Cadets provide dynamic vibrant leadership in all of these services. Finally, it is for all who enter a place of prayer. It’s not uncommon throughout the week to find staff and faculty sitting in prayer. The inscription on Summerall Chapel, “Remember Now Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1), embodies the focus of ministry at the chapel and its importance to cadets who need a source of strength beyond themselves.

Citadel Chapel Choirs

Three cadet chapel choirs enhance services of worship on campus. They are the Catholic Chapel Choir, the Interdenominational Protestant Choir and Gospel Choir. These three choirs combine for special events each year such as Parents’ Day, Homecoming Sunday, the Christmas Candlelight Services, and Corps Anniversary Sunday.

Greater Issues Series

The Greater Issues Series presents two or more major addresses each academic year. In 1954, the series was inaugurated by General Mark Clark to enhance the preparation of Citadel cadets for roles as responsible members of our society. Since then, these addresses have brought to The Citadel an impressive group of distinguished speakers including Presidents of the United States, American and foreign dignitaries, scholars, diplomats, important military figures, and business leaders.

Fine Arts Series

Inaugurated in 1965, the Fine Arts Series has presented annually a wide variety of programs which have been both entertaining and culturally illuminating. All fourth-class and third-class cadets are encouraged to attend one approved fine arts performance each semester.

Musical Organizations

The Citadel Regimental Band and Pipes provides music for concerts, parades, reviews, and other official ceremonies both on and off campus. Music for basketball games is provided by The Citadel Pep Band, a group of members from within the Regimental Band.

Academic Publications

Founded in the spring of 1993, El Cid is the publication of The Citadel’s Tau Iota Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. This publication is a refereed journal in Spanish that publishes select undergraduate and graduate creative writing. Only members of Tau Iota may be selected for the editorial team.

The Gold Star Journal, The Scholarly Journal of the Corps of Cadets and Citadel Graduate College, publishes nonfiction papers from any discipline. This journal is produced by a staff of cadets for Corps Day.

The Journal of the Scipio Africanus Society is published annually by a staff of cadets and serves as an outlet for cadet independent research in international affairs.

The Shako documents the literary and artistic achievements of Citadel cadets and graduate students. All submissions are compiled, edited and published annually by cadets for distribution throughout the Citadel community.

The Honor System

The Cadet Honor System provides a unique contribution to the overall developmental process of the Citadel Experience. As an integral part of Corps life, its purpose is to promote ethical growth and inculcate a sense of integrity in Citadel graduates so that they instinctively conduct themselves in an honorable manner. The Honor Code states that a “cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.” The code is enforced and supervised by a Cadet Honor Committee composed of First Class cadets who are elected in the fall of their junior year by the Fourth, Third, and Second Class cadets within their companies. These Honor Committee representatives are responsible for educating and assisting their fellow cadets on the Honor System and interpreting the honor code. When a cadet is reported for an honor violation, the circumstances are thoroughly investigated by members of the Honor Committee. If there is a prima facie case established against the cadet, he or she appears before an Honor Court composed of 10 members of the Honor Committee. A cadet accused of an honor violation is entitled to cadet counsel, and cross examination is allowed. A finding that a cadet has committed an honor violation requires a unanimous secret vote by the Honor Court. If a cadet is found to have committed an honor violation, and if the President confirms the Honor Court’s decision, the cadet is expelled from the Corps of Cadets. Under rare circumstances, the cadet may be granted leniency from the punishment of expulsion. The Honor Committee is responsible directly to the President of the college. A faculty advisor assists the Honor Committee. This officer provides guidance to the Honor Committee and acts in an advisory capacity to the court at each Honor Court trial.

Department of Cadet Activities

This department, with offices located in Mark Clark Hall, provides activities and services for cadets to develop outside the classroom that allow them to broaden their talents and interests. Major activity areas include overseeing student government and the Official Citadel Mascot, publications, events, monthly blood drives, clubs and organizations. The department offers services to cadets, as well, such as the Ride-Drive Program, social media pages, 4th Class Mentorship programs, and community service opportunities.

Cadet Activities Publications

The Sphinx yearbook is the college yearbook of The Citadel. It is published annually in the spring by a staff of cadets. This publication serves as a semi-official record of the cadets’ year. The cost of this publication is incorporated into the spring semester tuition.

The Guidon, the handbook for the fourth class cadets, is published annually and is available online in early summer for the incoming freshmen. On Matriculation Day, each incoming cadet will receive a hard copy. This book contains a complete description of the activities of the Corps of Cadets, Citadel history, customs and courtesies, and duties and responsibilities of fourth class cadets.

Clubs, Groups and Organizations

Membership in a wide variety of clubs, groups and organizations is available to all Citadel students. All 100+ clubs fall under the four pillars of The Citadel: Academic, Military, Character and Physical. Among these are discussion groups, professional societies, military groups, athletic clubs and religious groups. The span of these activities is so broad and so varied that all Citadel students should be able to find organizations that fit their interests and talents.

Intramural, Club, and Recreational Athletics (ICRA)

Intramural, Club, and Recreational Athletics (ICRA) provide opportunities for all students to participate in extracurricular sports. We strive to improve cadet quality of life and the well-being of the college community.

Intramural Athletics

Intramurals are integral in student life with year-long competitive activities in individual sports and cadet company team sports. First and foremost, students should have fun playing intramurals, but participation also provides opportunities to develop leadership skills.

Club Sports

The ICRA Club Sports program provides the structure for a limited number of student-run competitive sports teams. We strive to operate safely while keeping the educational mission of the college at the forefront and within the limits of available resources.

Physical Recreation

The primary purpose of Deas Hall is to provide instructional support for students in the Department of Health and Human Performance (HHP), and to support activities of Intramural Athletics and Club Sports. Deas Hall is otherwise available to all students, faculty and staff.

More information can be found at:

Health Services

The Citadel Infirmary provides acute care services for cadets in the South Carolina Corps of Cadets. These services include outpatient medical clinics on weekdays, a walk-in nurse clinic after hours and on weekends, and round-the-clock inpatient care (36 beds) during the academic year. In the summer, limited out- patient services are provided for cadets enrolled in summer programs. Inpatient services resume on 1 July.

The Infirmary staff includes a primary-care physician, a family nurse practitioner, a part-time orthopedic surgeon, staff nurses, nurse aides, an administrative assistant, and a receptionist. Certified athletic trainers conduct daily Sports Medicine clinics in the Infirmary to evaluate and treat orthopedic injuries. More serious injuries are referred to the Orthopedic Clinic (Monday and Friday mornings). Athletic trainers also provide coverage for intramural and intercollegiate athletics, on-campus military training, and club sports activities.

Infirmary services are covered by the cadet Infirmary fee. A small inpatient charge is added for daytime and overnight admissions. Supplemental services such as immunizations, medications, lab work, X-Rays, and ECGs are provided for cadets at our cost and are applied to the cadet’s OneCard Restricted Account. Prescriptions for medications not administered by the Infirmary are delivered by a local pharmacy which bills the cadet’s insurance or charges the cadet’s OneCard account. If desired, the Infirmary secretary can provide an itemized list of Infirmary charges for parents to file for insurance reimbursement. The Infirmary is not staffed to file insurance claims.

Cadets are required to carry student health insurance for all semesters they are present on campus. Student insurance is mandatory to defray the costs of hospitalization, emergency care, ambulance transportation, and/or specialty medical and surgical care. Charges for services not provided by the Infirmary must be settled directly with the medical provider. Cadets are required to notify the Infirmary immediately of any changes in insurance coverage.

The Citadel does not have contracts with any off-campus hospitals, urgent-care centers, pharmacies, or medical/surgical/dental providers. In the event of an emergency, two large medical centers are located within two miles of the campus and EMS ambulances are on call 24/7 for transport. For more information on insurance, please visit the website:

Department of Public Safety

The mission of the Department of Public Safety is to “ensure the safety and security of all persons and property on The Citadel campus.” Public safety officers are state-commissioned law enforcement officers operating under the authority of the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) with jurisdiction both on and off campus for incidents occurring on Citadel property. The Department of Public Safety is also responsible for enforcing campus parking regulations. Campus police may be reached at 953-5114. In an emergency, dial 811 from any campus phone.


The time of a cadet at The Citadel is filled with duties and obligations; however, there is opportunity for campus employment for cadets who believe they can manage the extra responsibility. The College offers a limited number of part-time positions with various campus activities as well as work-study jobs which are available to students with financial need. Employment is designed to provide for a modest portion of college expenses.

Cadet Facilities

Mark Clark Hall

Mark Clark Hall is named after General Mark W. Clark who served as president of The Citadel from 1954-1965. The campus post office, barber shop, a convenience store, a lounge for upper class cadets, and a Barnes & Noble bookstore are located on the first floor. Buyer auditorium, the Greater Issues Room, a lounge for fourth class cadets, and the offices of the Department of Experiential Learning and Cadet Activities are found on the second floor. The Honor Courtroom is located on the third floor, as are the offices of the Catholic Chaplain, the Episcopal Chaplain, and the campus photography department.

Beach House

The Colonel Robert R. McCormick Beach Club of The Citadel is located oceanfront on the Isle of Palms, about a half hour’s drive from the campus. The five-acre property includes a two-story beach house, the Blue & Grey Pavilion, a sand volleyball and basketball court, and shower and locker facilities. Beach access and parking are available to cadets, students, faculty, staff, Citadel Alumni Association Lifetime Members, and annual donors to The Citadel Foundation or The Citadel Brigadier Foundation above specific levels. Additionally, the venue may be rented for daytime or evening events through the Office of Event Management.

Swain Boating Center

The Swain Boating Center membership is available to students, faculty, and staff. Preference is given to students in the use of the center’s facilities. The club fleet consists of canoes, small sailboats, and outboard motorboats.the Swain Boating Center facilities consist of a clubhouse, dockage, marine railway, sail loft, and work area for maintenance and repair of small boats. Storage of privately owned boats is available for a small fee.