Feb 08, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog - SCCC & Day Students [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PHYS 341 - Fundamentals of Aerodynamics Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: PHYS 222 and PHYS 272 MATH 107 or MATH 132 This course provides an introduction to the aerodynamics of heavier than air flight. It will be presented at the level suitable for technical majors who have taken at least the first 2 semesters of calculus and the first 2 semesters of calculus based introductory physics. Although not a prerequisite, PHYS 241 is a useful introduction to the concepts more deeply studied in this course. Introduction and fundamental principles and understanding of inviscid and viscous incompressible flow, and inviscid compressible around airfoils, through engine nozzles and diffusers will be covered.